Hi! I'm just making this first post to help people understand what I am going to be researching and why it is important to me. My topic is about the pros and cons of being a vegetarian. I want to know if it really is healthy to be a vegetarian. I find this topic interesting becuase it is related to health and I am pre-med student at SU and I have been interested in the health field since I was young. Also, I have been a vegetarian since fourth grade. I'm not really sure why I became a vegetarian. I think it was a mixture of two things. One, I heard about mad cow disesase and two I never really liked the taste of meat. I still eat fish and sometimes I'll eat chicken because I play lots of sports and I need my protein. I am interested in finding out what is considered to be a healthy diet for a vegetarian and if their are any real beneifts or concerns about being a vegetarian.