Health Benefits
There are many health benefits of being a vegetarian. After doing my research I have concluded that there are more benefits then dangers. This website gives lots of information on the health benefits of being a vegetarian aswell as the safe ways to go about doing it in order to stay healthy. The author of this website states," Most vegetarians diets are low in animal products. They're also lower than nonvegetarian diets in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Vegetarians have lower risk of obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure."Eating red meat increases the chance of getting breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease and strokes. Many people who eat meat have much higher rates of cancer than vegetarians. Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are linked to diets with a high amount of saturated fat and with a low amount of fiber. Animal products have lots of salt, which causes the blood to retain water and can cause plaque to build up in a persons arteries. A statistic says that Americans eat five time more protein then is actually needed. The intake of too much protein can cause a bone disorder. He goes on to explain that a vegetarians diet needs to be carefully planned out in order to make sure he/she is getting enough nutrients. One of the main things to be considered in a vegetarians diet is protein. Plant proteins can provide enough amino acids as long as they are high in energy. Whole grains, vegetables, seeds, and nuts are also another way to get important nutrients. " Doctors recommend that a healthy diet consists of getting 30% of total calories from fat and no more than 10% of total calories from saturated fat, and 55% of total calories should come from complex carbohydrates such as grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is also recommended that a person eat only enough calories to maintain their body weight." Overall, a vegetarians diet is a lot healthier then eating a diet filled with meat, but if you don't eat a proper vegetarian diet you can do more harm then good to your body. Not all diets with meat in them are bad for your body. If you eat meat that is lean and do not over eat and still incorporate fiber, grains, vegetables, and fruit into your diet you will be able to stay healthy.
RUBBISH! A vegeterian life style is completly unhealthy! very little protein to support growth and energy. Lacking of hemoglobin all omega's,Iron difficientcy.. the list goes on. but about red meat linked to cancer is the thing that makes me laugh the most. Cancer is a mutation of the genes caused by the additives pumped into food aswell as the potent fertilisers used on crops these days.Vegeterians will never have a good body shape because of little or no protein to feed the muscles or excess fat because of a high carb diet. There skin and blood lacks in vital vitimins and mineral like iron and omega 3's and all amino acids putting strain on the liver when it does come to breaking down foods.All serious vegeterians will have little to no immune system, lack in energy and also have a white under there lower eye lid rather then a healthy red this anemia and proves iron deficency.The only way to ensure optimum health is to ensure you have a balanced diet eat a variation on meats, fish at least 2-3 times a week all of these being organic.A range of fresh organic fruit and veg and powerfull antiodidants to maintain free radicals like blueberry's or any fruit containing vitimin c. Now you will hear vegeterians say 'oh, but i take supplements' they are called supplements for a reason to supplement the diet not to replace because there are many vital things they do not contain and can never replace.
there have been millions of people for hundreds (if not thousands) of years who are vegetarian. were it unhealthy, it would have died out long ago. also it was these same people who helped spawn buddhism, hinduism and yoga, all of which have a strong vegetarian component. today hundreds of millions of people in india are vegetarian. those in india who eat meat are more prone to heart disease and diabetes than those that are vegetarian. also in india, vegetarians have a longer life span. this is living proof today that has been reinforced by actual data, not myths from the meat-eating population, over hundreds of years.
I am currently researching the answer to this question for a paper I am writing in grad school. I am a partial vegetarian, meaning I still eat fish - no other types of meat. I am learning more and more the necessity to eat a wide variety of vegetables, whole grains, omega 3s, and more. Has anyone read the "The China Study"? It's a study about how the Chinese are some of the most healthy people on this planet...and researchers are linking it back to their vegan diet. interesting.
Nice blog. I agree with your stay healthy steps.
Thanks from
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when are you gona have a deffinate answer to your blog
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i am thirteen years old and im a vegeterian and i feel great. i think it best to avoid meat. you can get protein from nuts and other things like that. i just wanted to be healthier and i am now. i think it has lots of benifits.
I must say I have been a vegetarian for three years and I am complimented on my beauty all the time. I have a great body shape and am very healthy. Just because this lifestyle didnt work for you, although I'm sure you haven't even tried, it doesn't mean that it won't work for anyone. Yes there are dangers in this lifestyle but there are always ways to avoid deficiencies if you're smart. It is much more dangerous to eat meat with all of it's chemicals and additives. And not everyone can afford organic meat like your pampered self.
Health is very important for every one. Health is well after proper for every movement and work. This is great thought explain about the health.
Lyme disease symptoms
I am 14 years old and I wanna become a vegetarian but im allergic to all nuts... how will I get protein?
Lentils are an excellent source
I take only vegetable in my meals. Vegetable good for health. Your post is very nice
how to stay healthy : we can live healthy by our atmosphere should be neat and clean. we should clean regularly our locality. Then we can live healthy.
Great tips! Eating healthy can also be affordable if you make the right choices at the grocery store.
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